home remodeling company


Welcome to Craftsmen Interior Construction, where living spaces are Intentionally Handcrafted, and trust is built to last.

In the design and construction world, where the ordinary meets the exceptional, Craftsmen Interior Construction has been at the forefront of high-end and upscale renovations, working with families to improve living spaces & lifestyles. Specializing in the meticulous transformation of kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and whole-home remodels, our philosophy is simple. Every project is an opportunity for artistry, to showcase our unwavering commitment to excellence, and to make your dream space a reality. Homeowners across North Atlanta and beyond have entrusted their most cherished spaces to us, and here is how we do it.

A Legacy of Trust: Getting Every Job Done Right with Our Proven 5-Point Project Management Process

PHASE 1: The Craftsmen Experience: It’s a journey that starts with “Initiation.” We understand that every homeowner has a unique vision, and it’s our privilege to listen, absorb, and align ourselves with your aspirations. This trust forms the cornerstone of our success.

PHASE 2: Meticulous Planning: With your vision as our guiding star, we enter the “Planning” phase. Our expert design team takes every detail seriously, crafting a vision as unique as your fingerprint. We sweat the small stuff, ensuring that every inch of your project is a testament to excellence.

PHASE 3: The Art of Execution: This is where dreams take shape. Our master craftsmen embark on the “Execution” phase, turning your vision into reality. We create a functional space and a work of art using only the finest materials and innovative techniques.

PHASE 4: The Pinnacle of Quality: At Craftsmen Interior Construction, nothing short of perfection is acceptable. Our “Quality Control” phase is rigorous, inspecting every corner, finish, and detail with a magnifying glass. We’re not satisfied until your expectations are not just met but surpassed.

PHASE 5: A Lifelong Commitment: As we “Close” your project, it’s just the beginning of our journey together. Your dream space is now a reality, but we remain your trusted partners, ensuring it continues to shine with the same brilliance and excellence it was born with.

Our 5-point project management system leads to intentionally successful projects and high customer satisfaction.


For 20 years our clients have referred families and friends to us.


Our quality improves year after year through careful examination, intelligent reasoning and painstaking practice.


No surprise pricing. A contract price stays the same as original agreed upon quote.

Uncompromised Quality

Many years ago, we decided, as a company, that it would be easier to explain price one time, than to explain quality forever. Good things are not cheap, but cheap things are seldom good. Quality is a habit that you do when no one is looking. Our quality improves year after year through careful examination, intelligent reasoning and painstaking practice. I always say to our people, quality should never be an issue with our clients, when you have learned a better way to produce a better result in quality, then it’s time to upgrade. As William Foster states, “Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution, it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” Listen to our customers.

Committed People

This is where success starts. You have probably heard the statement that you are only as strong as your weakest link. Through experience I know this is true. Quality people make the project a success. All of our employees and tradesman have three qualities: Commitment – Ownership is not easy to come by and individuals who possess it are a rare breed. We like to say that we treat your home like it’s ours. Experience and Education – All our people have the education and job experience to perform the task they are assigned to complete. Positive Attitude – It’s easy to have a positive attitude when things are good. What counts it to be mentally tough during high pressure and stress. Our people know how to keep their singleness of purpose and complete the goal at hand and stay energized while doing it.

Project Management & Schedule Commitment

A project without a critical path is like a ship without a rudder. Project management is like juggling three balls – time, cost and quality. Project management is like a troupe of circus performers standing in a circle, each juggling-three balls and swapping balls from time to time. Time, cost and quality control are everyday.

Cost Control

When we sign a contract the cost of specified products and services remains within the limits of the price we present. During any project change orders can occur. We work under the pricing and specifications for our contract. The price for items we priced never changes. Your home is carefully inspected for all possible cost impact items. Usually during the initial demolition of the project sight-unseen problems will exist and can incur a change order and add to the cost of the project. Our commitment is to see your dream become a reality and all of our effort is aimed at seeing that this happens. We look forward to talking to you, so please contact us to talk to you about your project.

Thank You For Visiting Us!

home remodeling company

Mark Victor, CR

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